Breast Implants
For new mothers and moms who have breastfed their children, it is very common to lose breast volume and experience a kind of sagging appearance. Breast augmentation with implants can restore volume and fullness to the breasts with beautiful results. Breast implants at McCormack Plastic Surgery are available in many sizes, shapes, and types, so you will have a number of options from which to choose. Board-certified plastic surgeon Tiffany McCormack, MD can also show you the potential results from a number of angles on the Portrait 3D imaging system, a computer program that visualizes what you may look like with a number of different breast implant options.
Please contact Dr. McCormack for more information on breast implants, or to schedule a consultation here at our practice.
What are my options for breast implants?
With breast augmentation, particularly after pregnancy or breastfeeding, it’s not just about making your breasts larger after they have lost volume – it’s also about making them more proportionate to your body and achieving the best possible look for your physique. Breast implants come in a broad range of sizes, shapes, and types. There are two main types of breast implants: saline and silicone. There are also round and tear-drop shapes; low, moderate, and high profiles (which will determine the amount of forward projection of the breasts), and, of course, an array of sizes. At your initial consultation, Dr. McCormack will talk about all of your options, show you the many sizes and shapes available to you, and help you to visualize the potential results that different kinds of breast implants may provide your unique body type. Ultimately, you and Dr. McCormack will decide the best breast implant option that can meet your goals with the most successful, natural-looking results.
What are some of the major differences between saline and silicone breast implants?
The following information should give you a general idea of the differences between each type of implant. Dr. McCormack will discuss each option with you in detail at your initial consultation and answer any questions you may have.
Approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for use in women over the age of 18, saline breast implants are composed of a silicone outer shell, filled with a saline (saltwater) solution. Saline implants are often filled after placement into the chest, making it possible for Dr. McCormack to create a smaller incision, and therefore, less visible scarring. In cases of implant rupture, the saline inside the implant is easily absorbed by the body. In some cases saline implants have been known to cause a rippling appearance to the breasts. They can also potentially cause a condition called capsular contracture, which is scar tissue forming around the implant that gives the area a hardened feel.
Silicone breast implants are approved by the U.S. FDA for breast augmentation procedures in women over the age of 22. They are made of a silicone outer shell and filled with a silicone gel. With silicone breast implants, there is less risk of developing a rippling appearance, as opposed to their saline counterparts. Silicone implants are also known for their natural look and feel. However, as with saline breast implants, there is a risk of capsular contracture. Plus, a rupture in a silicone implant is less noticeable than with a saline implant. It is important for patients with silicone breast implants to undergo routine breast exams to ensure that the implants are working properly.
Contact McCormack Plastic Surgery for a Consultation
Dr. McCormack will be happy to meet with you in a confidential consultation to talk about all aspects of breast implants and help you determine if breast augmentation is the right procedure for your needs. Please contact McCormack Plastic Surgery.